Choose the Portfolios that you want to consider trading, and then let Portfolio Balancer
do the rest! Portfolio Balancer evaluates all of your chosen Portfolios, and then it selects
the Portfolios that are performing the best in the current market to trade. This remarkable
tool helps to insure that you are trading the Portfolios with the highest profit potential in
order to increase returns and keep drawdowns as low as possible.
We all want to trade the strategies that are excelling in the current market, and thanks to Portfolio Wizard, we can now do this automatically. Portfolio Wizard identifies the strategies that have the highest probability of profiting in the next week or month, and then it automatically activates them in a Dynamic Portfolio.
by Steve Mayo
“With Equity Curve Analyzer, Nirvana has created a product that appears to be able to predict the future.”
Steve Mayo is a clinical scientist who has worked with the Nirvana technical team to develop and test the ECA tool set. In this article, Steve talks about why this technology has the power to change the way people invest in the markets…
Visit our Articles Page and discover how current users of OmniVest ProTools are engaging these products to make BIG gains!
Instead of trading a static list of the same stocks, wouldn’t you want to only trade the stocks
that are poised for big gains? Dynamic Lists scan the entire market and provide the
OmniVest strategies with a list of stocks that have proven profitable setups.
"I am tremendously proud of my team for bringing this technology to the market. The OmniVest Pro Tools are empowering our OmniVest users to do more and achieve better results than has ever been possible.
The Key word is "Dynamic". The whole idea of the Pro Tools suite was to use our servers to dynamically calculate the best List, Portfolios, and Balanced Accounts to maximize results. Users agree -- There is nothing like this anywhere." - Ed Downs
Special Pricing:
All these processes run on specialized fast severs right after Market Close - an intense process, which is why we must charge extra for these tools. But once you see the enhanced firepower the Pro Tools can give your account, we think you’ll agree they are a tremendous value.
The Pro Tools Suite. Reg. $2,995
Plus $49/month after the first year.
Special Offer: Order NOW - just $1,495
Just $29/month after the first year, but ONLY if you are actively using Dynamic List, Portfolios, or Accounts.
If you are not completely satisfied with your OmniVest Pro Tools purchase you may request a 100% refund within 90 days.